A Hilarious Conversation Between Two Famous People of the 21st Century

Kim Kardashian

Hey Kanye, have you heard about the latest Bengal cat ownership laws in the US? I was thinking of getting a Bengal cat, but I’m not sure if they’re legal here.

Kanye West

Hey Kim, I’m not sure about the Bengal cats, but did you know that you can download a house rental agreement in word format online? It’s much easier than drafting it from scratch.

Kim Kardashian

Oh, that’s great to know! And speaking of legal stuff, did you see the recent news about testosterone enanthate being legal in the UK? It’s so interesting what people can sue for these days.

Kanye West

Yeah, it’s crazy. But hey, have you ever considered a career in law? I heard there are some interesting graduate legal positions available that you might be interested in!

Kim Kardashian

Me, in law? That’s hilarious, Kanye. I think I’ll stick to what I know best. But speaking of which, did you know that General Motors has some amazing new cars out? I think we should get one!

Kanye West

Yeah, those cars look pretty cool. We should definitely consider getting one. Anyway, I gotta go now. See you soon, Kim!

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